Convince Your Boss

Anyone who’s been to a UI conference will tell you it’s an incredible, inspiring experience. You know there’s no other place you can learn about delivering delightful designs that scale well, feel cohesive, and provide elegant simplicity all under one roof, but does your boss?

If you’re going to ask your boss to pick up the tab, you have to make a bold case for attending. Use this information and cost summary to help you get the green light.

Three Overall Benefits:

  1. Integrate design into agile processes
  2. Increase the value and depth of your user research
  3. Deliver more delightful products and services

Proven Techniques and Best Practices for UX Designers

Move beyond inspiration and immerse yourself. Jared Spool curated six master-grade workshops, each taught by an industry leader on groundbreaking UX design skills you won’t find anywhere else. Roll up your sleeves, get down to work, and change the way you design forever. Attend two full-day workshops and a day of talks to learn the latest strategies and techniques for building great products.

Tackle Critical UX Topics and Move Projects Forward

  • Build a cohesive cross-product experience with defined standards and workflows. Establish processes to set up, sustain, and spread your system with Nathan Curtis.

  • Inspire your organization to go beyond shiny features, with products and services that deliver remarkable delight. Infuse your practices with design principles that focus on the value your team can deliver with a long-term perspective with Jared Spool and Dana Chisnell.

  • Gather user insights quickly and efficiently to answer the most critical questions about your users and their needs. Bring user-focused decision making into your development cycles with practical research techniques with Cyd Harrell.

  • Develop management strategies to ensure UX is present in every product conversation with Jeff Gothelf.
  • Delve into journey mapping, create scenarios that identify and resolve design issues, and deliver solutions that delight users with Kim Goodwin.

  • Give new life to boring tables of data. Help your users see important turning points in their work with Brian Suda.

Summary of Costs

Item Expense
Conference fee (through December 30)
Hotel costs $867 (for 3 nights)
Flight $300–$600
Transportation to and from airport $15–$25
Food (we provide breakfast and a lunch) $100
Total $3,057–$3,367